

Professor Chris Macosko, academician of American academy of engineering, came to our school to give a lecture

Apr 13, 2018 09:39   Hits:

At 10:00 a.m. on April 12th, professor Chris Macosko, academician of American academy of engineering, held the academic lecture in the lecture hall of the school of materials. Professor Chris Macosko gave an academic report on "The role of processing and interfacial reaction on polymer/polymer adhesion" for teachers and students in our school. The principal of the school of materials science and engineering and representatives of teachers and students attended the lecture.

Professor Chris Macosko vividly explained the influence of processing conditions and interface reactions on the interfacial strength of polymer blends for the teachers and students present. Compared with lamination technology, co-extrusion technology can improve the interfacial strength of polymer blends more effectively. Reaction time, grafting density and grafting rate all affect the efficiency of interfacial reaction. The stronger the interfacial reaction, the stronger the interfacial strength. In the process of the report, professor Chris Macosko also had a lively and interesting interaction with teachers and students, and conducted in-depth discussions on some professional issues.

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