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印度科学教育研究所Soumyajit Roy教授应邀来校讲学

发布时间:2023-06-16      来源:院办      阅读次数:

应太阳贵宾厅登录网站邀请,2023年6月12日上午,印度科学教育研究所Soumyajit Roy教授来湖北大学交流访问,并在学院二楼学术报告厅做了题为《Soft-matter Systems as An Agent of Temporal Signature for Catalysis》的精彩报告,本次报告会由太阳贵宾厅登录网站院长郭志光教授和副院长夏晓红教授主持,相关教师和研究生参加。

Soumyajit Roy分享了他的研究小组在过去十年中一直在开发可持续发展的框架催化剂,将二氧化碳转化为乙醇、甲酸和甲醛等化学品。在这方面,他们一直在开发SOM (软金属氧酸盐)为基础的预催化剂和后期的含氮系统,他们的研究目标之一是利用生物人工光合作用来达到可持续的解决方案。Soumyajit教授的报告激起了学院师生浓厚兴趣,大家踊跃提问,Soumyajit Roy教授耐心细致解答,现场互动精彩热烈。报告会后,Soumyajit教授参观了太阳贵宾厅登录网站高云教授团队实验室,双方就科研合作事宜进行了深入探讨。

Prof. Dr. Soumyajit Roy was born and brought up in Kolkata, where at present he leads EFAML Materials Science Center of DCS at IISER Kolkata. Soumyajit believes in creating value with chemistry. In that pursuit of value creation, Solaire Initiative Pvt. Ltd., a research innovation Deep Tech Start Up, was founded by Soumyajit with his team of other enthusiastic scientists, engineers, meds, who have created a highly acclaimed Oxygen Maker device, OM REDOX, Your Oxygen Box, to address the Oxygen crisis during SARS-COV-19 pandemic. The product was launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India and included in DBT-BIRAC's book inaugurated by the Hon'ble Science Minister in a book showcasing 75 innovations under 75 years of India. Soumyajit is an alumnus of IIT Delhi, University of Bielefeld (Germany), University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) and BASF-ISIS (JONAS at present) University of Strasbourg (France). An avid reader, Soumyajit, is on the look out to address the immediate next need of our society using Chemical Sciences. Soumyajit serves on the editorial board of several international journals, viz.,Journal of Materials and Engineering Materials,Frontiers in Chemistry,Frontiers in Fuels,Chemistry Africa,Materials Open. He has authored till date more than 100 research papers in premier journals likeNature Communications,Angewandte Chemie,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,Nanoletters, etc. He further holds several patents and has also authored more than 10 books including several in Bengali aimed at popularization of science in his mother tongue. Soumyajit is a member of several learned societies and academies, like, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), West Bengal Academy (FAScT), Indian Chemical Society (FICS), Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Westfaelia Lippe University Society, Germany. Soumyajit is married to a Neuroscientist. In his free time Soumyajit loves to paint, write and cook.


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