
Research Groups

Group of Bingbing Jiang

Dec 8, 2017 09:54   Hits:


1. Introduction

Our research interestsfocuson the novel functionalpolymericmaterials in biomedical and energy applications. The mainresearch areas includesurface engineeringof biomedical materials, nanomedicine fortargetingtherapy, advanced materials forcapturing/catalytic conversionofgreenhouse gases, functionalorganic siliconemulsion, et al. The research groupcontains 2 full professors, 1 associate professor and 1lecturer. Our group undertakes morethan 10research projectsin recent 5 years, including 3projectsof National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),severalprojectsof National Natural Science Foundation ofHubei Province of China,several projectsof Hubei Provincial Department of Educationandhorizontal cooperation projects.

2. Group members

undefinedProfessor Bingbing JIANG:Full professor in School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University. He obtained his BS in 1998 and MSin 2001 in Hubei University, respectively. And heawarded his PhDinDepartment of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University in 2005. Then He worked as a Research Associate in Department of Orthopaedic,West Virginia Universityduring 2006 to 2012. Since Jun. 2012, he had been working in Hubei University. His research interestsfocuson biomedical materials forsurface engineeringand novelpolymericmaterials for CO2capturing. He hasundertakenseveral research projects such as project of NSFC, Key project ofHubei Provincial Department of Educationandproject of National Natural Science Foundation ofHubei Province of China, et al. He also joined in theresearchprojects of AO Foundation andDoE/NETLin the USA. He haspublishedabout 40 research papers in journals including Biomaterials, Acta Biomaterialia, Chemical Communications, Biomacromolecule, Journal of Material Science and so on. And he has beenawardedofseveral patentsinChina and abroad.


undefinedProfessor Zhengguang SUN:Full professor in School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University. He obtained his BS for applied chemistry in 1996 and ME for materials science in 1999 in Hubei University, respectively. He thenattendedatSun Yat-sen Universityin 2003 to 2006 and obtained his PhD for polymer chemistry andphysicsin 2006. He worked as apartnerinDepartment of Industrial and Systems Engineering,Hong KongUniversity in Feb. to Jun. in 2009. Prof. Sun has been working in Hubei University since 1999. His research interestsfocuson functionalorganic silicon materials. He hasundertakenseveral research projects such asYoung and middle-aged Talents ProjectofHubei Provincial Department of Education, project ofWuhan Morning Light Plan of Youth Science and Technology, project of KeyLaboratory of polymericmaterials for the Open fund, project ofYoung talent Foundationof Hubei University andhorizontal cooperation projects, et al. He also joined in the projects of NSFC,National Natural Science Foundation ofHubei Province of China, TacklingKeyProjectofScience and Technology Department of HubeiProvince,KeyFundProjectofHubei Provincial Department of Educationand severalhorizontal cooperation projects. And 4 of hisresearch achievements have pass thetechnical appraisalpresidedbyScience and Technology Department of HubeiProvince. He haspublishedmore than 30 papers inChina and abroad, and finished 4 books as apartner. Heawardedthe 3rdScience and Technology Progress AwardofHubei Province twice in 2005 and 2007, respectively, the 2ndScience and Technology Progress AwardofWuhan in 2008 and the 1stScience and Technology Progress AwardofWuhan in 2010.

undefinedCao LI, PhD:Dr. Associate professor in School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University. He obtained his BS in 2007 and PhD in 2012 inCollege of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University, respectively. He joined in Hubei University in 2012 and his research interests include biomaterials for drug and genedeliveryand novel materials for CO2capturing. He haspublishedmore than 50 research papers. And he hasundertaken2 projects of NSFC, 1project of National Natural Science Foundation ofHubei Province of China and 1 project ofWuhan Morning Light Plan of Youth Science and Technology, et al.

undefinedXueqin CHEN, PhD:Dr. Chen obtained her BE in 1999 and MEin 2001 in Hubei University, respectively. And sheawardedherPhDin Fudan University in 2006. Then she received her MS for Materials Science inWest Virginia University. She had been working in School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University since 2012. Her research interests includepolymericnanocomposite,thermoelectric materialand self-assembly of linear copolymerized polymer. She haspublishedseveralresearch papers inChina and abroad. She has joined in 1 project of NSFC and Key project ofHubei Provincial Department of Education; andundertaken1project of National Natural Science Foundation ofHubei Province of China.

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