
Research Groups

Group of Hairen Wang

Dec 8, 2017 09:59   Hits:

The Research Group of Wang hairen

Group of Material Surface Chemistry and Environmentally friendly materials


1: Wang hairen

Professor Wang , the team leader, was born in 1966, and is the committee members of Hubei Jiusan Society. He graduated with a M. S. degree in chemistry department of Huazhong University of science and technology in 1996, and received a doctorate from Faculty of materials science and engineering of Huazhong University of science and technology in 2012. Now he works as professor and master supervisor in Faculty of materials science and engineering of Hubei University.

His main research directions include surface science and engineering, corrosion

and protection, applied electrochemistry, and environmental water treatment.

(Tel: 13387641419, E-mail:

2: Qu Jun-e:

Qu Jun-e, Associate Professor, was born in 1978. She graduated with a M.S. degree from chemistry department of Huazhong University of science and technology in 2002, and received a doctorate from Faculty of materials science and engineering of Huazhong University in 2005. And she had finished her overseas research project in the scholarship program called:“government-sponsored visiting scholar research”during the period from Oct.2013 to Oct.2014, in McGill university in Canada for 1 year. Now she works as associate professor and master supervisor in Faculty of materials science and engineering of Hubei University.

Her major research fields includes surface science and engineering, and corrosion and protection, and applied electrochemistry.

(Tel:13129916551, E-mail: qje@hubu.

3. Cao Zhiyong:

Caozhiyong, Associate Professor, was born in 1970. He graduated with a M.S.

degree from State Key Laboratory of Materials Forming of Huazhong University of

science and technology in 2002, and received a doctorate from Faculty of materials

science and engineering from Huazhong University in 2015. Now he works as

associate professor and master supervisor in Faculty of materials science and

engineering of Hubei University.

His main research directions include the material engineering and computer

applications,surface science and engineering , materials numerical simulation and simulation technology, artificial intelligence technology in materials applications.

(Tel: 15007126968, E-mail:

Team introduction

We have undertaken more than a dozen research projects in recent years, which were supported by the National key achievements promotion project, the National Natural Science Foundation, fund of Hubei provincial science and technology department, fund of Hubei provincial education department, fund of Hubei provincial environmental protection office, and some other joint projects with enterprises, etc. The total scientific research funds approached 1000.000 Yuan. We have won Hubei provincial science and technology progress prize 2 once, and Wuhan science and technology progress prize 1 once. We have obtained more than 30 national invention patents and utility models patents. More than 100 papers have been published in the important academic journals at home and abroad, and 1 industrial standards have been drafted by prof. Wang. The national key promotion project "stainless steel coloring new process" has been reported by CCTV. In Guangdong, Taiyuan, Baotou, Ningxia and other places, some colorful stainless steel enterprises were established based on the reported technology, and the products have entered the tens of thousands of households, all over the domestic and foreign markets. The "stainless steel coiled tape coloring" project successfully produced China's first coil color stainless steel. At present, the team is developing the following projects: deep processing technology of wastewater, acid-free environmental derusting technology, rapid and safe removal of plastic paint technology, anti-aging technology of stainless steel and etc.

Main research directions:

1. Surface Science and Engineering,

2. Corrosion and protection,

3. Applied Electrochemistry,

4. Corrosion and environmental protection,

5. Computer numerical simulation and simulation technology, artificial intelligence technology in materials application.

Team photoes:

Selected Publications:

1: Cao, Z., Wang, H., Qu, J., Zhang, M., Wang, X., & Xia, W.. One step GO/DTES co-deposition on steels: Electro-induced fabrication and characterization of thickness-controlled coatings. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017,320:588-607.

2: Qu Jun-e, Chen Geng, Wang Hai-ren, Cao Zhi-yong, The protection of TDPA deposited from mixed solutions with different water/ethanol ratios for aluminum alloy against corrosion in NaCl solution, Anti corrosion materials and methods, 2017, 64(2),233-240

3: Cao, Z., Xia, J., Zhang, M., Jin, J., Deng, L., Wang, X., & Qu, J. Optimization of gear blank preforms based on a new R-GPLVM model utilizing GA-ELM. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015,83:66-80.

4: Hairen Wang, Minya Li, June Qu, Zhiyong Cao, Geng Chen and Yang Zhou, Corrosion protection of stainless steel by a self-assembled organosilane bilayer, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 2014,61(5):307-313

5. WANG Hai-ren, XIAO Zhen, QU Jun-e, YANG Hong-wei, CAO Zhi-yong, GUO Xing-peng,A comparison study on corrosion resistance of the 430 stainless steel surfaces covered with and without alkylsilane and fluoroalkylsilane SAMs[J]. Journal of iron and steel research international.2013,20(12):33-40

6. WANG Hai-ren, JIANG Yan, QU Jun-e, CAO Zhi-yong, LIU Shao-bo, GUO Xing-peng. Adsorption and Corrosion Inhibition Performances of 1-tetradecylphosphonic Acid Self-assembled Monolayers on the 430 Stainless Steel [J]. Journal of iron and steel research international.2013,20(9):66-72

7.Zhi-yong Cao,Hai-ren Wang, Yan Jiang, Jun-e Qu,. An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electrochemical study of the self-assembled monolayer phytic acid on the 430 stainless steel in NaCl solution. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. 2013, 60(6): 301-306.

8.Qu Jun-e,Chen-gen,Wanghairen, Nie de-jian.Effect of water content on the corrosion inhibition behavior of self-assembled TDPA on aluminum alloy surface”[J].Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2013,23(10): 301-306.

9. Jun-e Qu, Hai-ren Wang, Qiang Zhang,Li-xia Yang Self-assembling behavior and corrosion inhibition properties of TDPA films on differently structured surfaces of 2024 and 1060 aluminum alloys, Internatinal Journal of Materials Research, 2012,103(10):1257-1264

10.Jun-e Qu, Dejian Nie, Cheng Liu, Hairen Wang and Geng Chen,Self- assembling behavior of TDPA molecules on inhomogeneous surface of 2024 aluminum alloy,Surf. Interface Anal. 2013, 45, 1363–1371

Major technical achievements:

1.New coloring technology for stainless steel.

2. New technology of coloring continuous coil stainless steel.

3. Super hydrophobic colored stainless steel.

4. New technology for efficient treatment of COD in industrial wastewater.

Treatment for printing and dyeing wastewater.

Treatment for Chemical wastewater.

5. HR-Q series steel eco-friendly derusting Technology.

The eco-friendly derusting treatment.

(The fingers can be immersed in the derusting solution.)

6. The chromium free environmental eco-friendly passivation technology

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